Sunday, March 21, 2010


Spring has finally made an appearance here and it's an early one at that. Normally we don't have gorgeous days like we've had this past week until well into April and I must say it's a most welcome irregularity. Andrew and Samuel have spent hours riding their bikes down the sidewalk and then hiking back up to the top. The trampoline is finally cleared of ice and snow and morning work is accomplished with tremendous speed and determination in order to get a few minutes of jump time before school. I'm sure we still have a few more spring surprises ahead, but for right now we are LOVING beautiful weather.

Scrubbing the deck to get rid of moss.

Letters and finally feeling better!

Thanks Aunt Jody!! Aunt Jody shared her Handwriting Without Tears preschool materials with us and Andrew couldn't be more excited. We immediately sat down and started creating letters. The sense of accomplishment just radiated from every ounce of Andrew's body. He loves it! The next morning he came into my room at 7:15 asking if he could work on his letters. Anyway, thanks again Aunt Jody, and thanks to PopPop for packaging it, and thanks to Grandma for the postal run!

Samuel loves it too, and Andrew's okay with it - even when Samuel does it HIS way.

After spending ten days on this chair, in almost this exact position, Jacob is finally feeling better. He got sick on a Sunday night and after a trip to the doctor that resulted in a trip to the ER for re-hydration on Tuesday we thought everything would get better from there. However, he remained one sick guy. Finally, we took him back to the doctor on the following Monday where he was diagnosed with Pneumonia. We're not sure how much we believe that, but the antibiotics have made a world of difference and he is finally feeling better. Whew! Believe it or not Jacob is looking 100% better in this picture than he did all week.